Saturday, May 16, 2009

Interested in growing potatoes? Here's an option

These neat potato bins help you grow lots of potatoes in a minimal space:

Potato Bin from Gardener's Supply

I've also heard of people using old car tires to grow potatoes in a similar manner. Not sure if the use of car tires for planters would be permitted by the church, though. Please check with Lyn before planting veggies in car tires :)

I have a potato bin and grew some potatoes last year. They are so much fun to dig up at the end of the season. It's also a great crop to grow if you have kids as they will enjoy digging for the potatoes at harvest time!

It's okay to use tires, if you'd like. (they must be removed when your plot is cleared by October 15th)


1 comment:

  1. Wow.!! I cant wait to get some potato bins from Gardener's Supply. Its very useful to grow potatoes anywhere.
